Sep 21, 2009

To swim or not to swim

Hello guys!

I'm getting closer to the end of drawing the enemies. The next big question is that:
Should Caleb swim?

If yes, then I must draw 2 more monsters, the bone eel and the gill beast. Plus I have to make Caleb able to swim and draw his animation while swimming.

Maybe the bone leech and some bigger Blood 2 monsters will appear too...

After all this stuff I can start to work on the "ai" of enemies. Ai is a bit harsh, rather say "mindlessly attack" with different types of attacks. Then I can draw the levels and reveal the story in depth. Oh, I can't wait to shoot the sh*t out of them... So I'm gonna let you decide by commenting:

Do you want Caleb to be able to swim?

Aug 8, 2009

Shogo and Blood 2 music on XP

I just had a feeling I'd like to play some good Shogo. You all might know that Blood 2 and Shogo is powered by the same engine so they both suffer from the same problem on windows XP. I dig up some info on the problem and found a site which explains how to solve this problem. The guy used some debugging environment and found out that the game must call a different dll on XP than on win98. I can't find the article and I don't want to explain how to solve the Shogo/Blood 2 music problem just give you a link for download:

I hope this will be helpful for some of you. Any questions into comments.

May 9, 2009

New graphics

Ahoy there!

 I had some time (that's just not true, I don't want to learn for the exams :) ) and I draw some "enemies". I put them together for you to see them in motion. Just like you I can't wait to shoot, blast, burn them to hell :D Enjoy the cultist, the zombie and the "innocent" guy!

More enemies to come!

Apr 22, 2009


Hi guys!

 I had some time so I made up this little stuff:

The cultist from the cabal with it's basic animation. I can't wait to continue to develop the game. I need mostly enemies, some level design and that's all :D Okay, I know it won't be that easy but I have to start it somewhere. Hurting the enemies is basically ready as the barrel has some damaging features. I hope you like the priest gfx. The exam season is coming but after that I hope I'll have some spare time in the summer to create more gfx and features in the game engine. I'd really like to finish this game because I just love Blood!

Keep your eyes open, more to come :) 
And any ideas are welcome!